How To Make Friends Living Abroad?

Living and studying away from home can be a fulfilling dream for so many students. Living in a new country is an excellent opportunity to learn a new language, experience new cultures and indulge in foods that are different to us.
However, studying abroad can bring several challenges too! That is why making good friends abroad in a new city can be beneficial to you.
How to make friends living abroad?
Unlike young children, youth and adults find it more challenging to make friends with each other. Most youth and adults feel that making a new friend might be a hindrance to the new friend.
Perhaps that friend already has friends, and they do not need new friends, or maybe the new friend might feel you are a burden to them; perhaps there is a cultural difference. Whatever the circumstances may be, making new friends can be overwhelming.
So here are some tried and tested ways on how to make friends while living abroad:
1. Read about the place
Every place has its own unique history, arts and culture. So even before moving to the new place, you can read up about that place’s history and notable historical and current personalities, the arts and popular culture known to people.
You can also look up the language, if it’s not one that you’re familiar with and learn basic phrases in that language as it can be the best way to bond with the people there.
2. Talk to people in your class
To make friends while studying abroad, don’t be a silent student. On your first day, do not be afraid to greet classmates and introduce yourself to them.
Most times, local people are fascinated with people from abroad. Share your intentions of studying in the new place and your desire to meet new people.
You will be bound to find new friends who have similar tastes to you.
3. Sign up for extracurricular activities
Attending activities outside your set classroom schedule can help you to find friends. Attend events and socials that are of interest to you.
During those socials, get to know the people who are attending. Sit with others and don’t be afraid to ask to join a group of people when finding a seat.
4. Read the university bulletin board
Do not ignore the university bulletin board! On these boards, you will find valuable information about events that are happening in and around the university.
You do not have to attend every single event that the university offers; however, you can pick the ones that are best suited for you. You can find new friends at cultural or sporting events.
5. Read your apartment bulletin board and leaflets
Do not ignore those leaflets pasted on bulletin boards in your housing complex. These leaflets, most times, advertised local events and people from your apartment building are most likely to attend these events. You can get to meet new people at these social gatherings.
6. Sign up for an exercise class
Exercise classes such as yoga or aerobics, even the local gym can be a great place for meeting new friends.
Try something new and while at these places, be sure to get to know those around you. Speak to the person on the treadmill next to you, or on the next yoga mat.
Greet people in the change room and don’t be afraid to tell people that you are new around here. You will be surprised that being new in a new place can help you find great friends.
7. Shop at the local convenience store
Buy your general supplies from the nearest local convenience store. Speak to the shop keeper or shop owner.
At these stores, you are most likely to bump into people from your own neighbourhood. You can easily talk to local people who can later become meaningful friends.
8. Volunteer at a local charity
Offering your time and service to a local charity is a great initiative, especially when you are new in the area. In these places, you can meet new people and make new friends.
9. Visit the local park or sports centre
Go for a walk or job in nature at the local park or visit your local sports centre. In these places, you will find people from the same neighbourhood.
Once again, talk to people and share your interests while learning about their interests.
10. Attend your religious gathering in the new city
If you are religious, find the local place of worship in the area and visit. Faith and religion bring people together, and this is a great place to meet friends of the same faith or religion as you are.
11. Talk to people, anywhere, everywhere
Without being too clingy or over-talkative, talk to people wherever you go. This could mean a simple hello to the shopkeeper, or the bus driver; it could mean a simple, ‘have a nice day’ to your new neighbour. The secret of making good friends is in saying hello.
We understand that living overseas can be overwhelming. If you know of people that once lived in that same city, connect with him and ask them for advice.
However, the best way to make foreign friends is to be genuinely interested in people. Say hello with care and when you stop to ask someone how they are doing, pause to listen to their response.
Making friends abroad can be easy for some people and quite daunting for others. However, whatever your personality type, if you are open to meeting new people and developing meaningful friendships, you will find good friends that can enrich your life in a new city.
With caution, we ask you to be careful of all people in a new city, be wise in choosing friends. Avoid falling into the trap of meaningless friendships that can distract you from the main goal that led you to the new city. Take caution in the places you choose to visit with friends and be careful of drug and substance abuse.
The friends you make abroad will become your lifetime family if you build a momentous friendship that can transcend through the years. Make friends that are interested in you and your personal developments.
As C.S. Lewis so profoundly said, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
Hope you find those “You too” friends.
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