How Can One Overcome Student Visa Anxieties?

The last step to begin your studying abroad journey is acquiring a student visa. And student visa anxieties are totally normal. Anxiety is a natural response of the mind and body to stressful situations. According to Baur, “Stress is everything that threatens your well-being.” This threat can be physical, emotional, or psychological, so you may have a different reaction.
Anxiety can occur with physiological reactions such as severe breathing or sweating. Emotional responses such as anger or anxiety; behavioural responses such as changes in eating and sleeping habits. In most cases, events that cause anxiety are only temporary and symptoms subside.
You may feel like everything that you have struggled to prepare for studying abroad for years will collapse in an instant if the visa is rejected. You may be anxious because you anticipate everything that you’ve been so prepared to study abroad, prepare for exams, gather information, apply to school, and wait for results, would collapse so easily.
8 out of 10 times, your visa will not be rejected and you’re being anxious over nothing. Many students who got their visa and are currently studying abroad say that they got their visas pretty easily. It’s infinitely easy for those who have been accepted by the university.
To calm yourself down, know that even if your visa does get rejected, it is not the end of the world and you have a hundred other options. Nevertheless, it is often not until the visa is rejected before you contact the study abroad consultants.
But to avoid errors in your visa application you should sort professional help because it is fairly easier to get accepted in your first application than the second. If your first visa is rejected, you could apply for a visa with a second document. So you have to prepare thoroughly so that you can receive it at once.
You could request a study abroad centre to help you with your visa application. If you go through a study abroad centre, you can at least prepare the right documents or prevent the visa from being rejected because of any wrong documentation. So if you’re worried about your visa, it’s better to contact overseas education consultants at least once.
I’m organizing 5 frequently asked questions about visas, so it will be helpful to read them at least once while preparing for a visa.
1. What’s the difference between a green letter and a white letter when you’re out of visa?
In the case of student visas, if you pass the visa interview, you will receive other documents other than your passport, I-20, and visa application form. And the visa will be delivered to your home in 1-3 days or so. If your visa is denied, you will receive all documents except your visa application with a white letter. If your visa is rejected, you won’t be able to do an interview for two years. It can only be re-enfold by document. But in some cases, you may receive a green letter. This does not mean that the visa was rejected by preparing supplementary documents. You can prepare supplementary documents checked on the green letter and re-enter the interview. In this case, you don’t need to repurchase the visa application

2. How do I apply for a visa re-application?
You can prepare the part that was lacking during the visa interview as a document, fill out a statement of reason for it, and submit it at the back window of the embassy along with other documents. Then the results will be delivered to your home within 1-3 weeks. However, the visa issuance rate is very low for re-reception. Therefore, you need to be thoroughly prepared to get your visa in the first place.
3. How long does it take to get a visa?
In the case of a visa interview, it usually takes about 2-3 days in the Seoul area the next day and 2-3 days in the province. However, if the number of issuances is large, it will take a little longer.
4. Is it difficult for minorities to get a visa?
Your race, religion or sect has nothing to do with U.S. visas. In other words, there is no problem with obtaining U.S. visas if you only get a passport through a legal process.

5. How do I delay my visa in the U.S.?
In the case of student visas, there is no concept of visa extension in the United States. Even if the initial authorized visa period expires, there is no problem with your stay if you only maintain your student status. However, if you go out of the U.S. and then enter the U.S. again, you will need to get a new visa. However, even if the visa period expires and you stay, there is no legal defect, but if you apply for a visa after a long expiration period, a consul in our country may make a fuss. So if time permits, it’s better to get your new visa as soon as possible.

Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their lives, but it’s important to monitor their symptoms and see when they start. If your anxiety has begun to have a significant impact on your relationship, work life, or health, consult your doctor or mental health professional.
Anxiety is a normal response to stress, but it has the ability to soothe your mind and reconnect your body and mind. By practicing compassion for yourself and others, you can learn to recognize your fears without being stuck in fear.
Learning how to cope with difficult and stressful situations is a great tool to maintain mental health, whether short-term or without clear endpoints. Here are some simple ways to approach to overcome your anxiety.
1. Identification of warning signals
2. Taking a deep breath
3. Practising mindfulness
4. Prioritisation of exercise
5. Getting a healthy sleep
6. Finding the distraction of a healthy hobby
7. Look at the bright side
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