Tips For Test Takers Appearing For IELTS/TOEFL Test

Test day can bring both excitement and nervousness. But if you want to score well in your IELTS/TOEFL exams, then be confident and prepared and follow our tips.
A good IELTS/TOEFL experience will make you feel confident about your abilities and get you the desired score. Your smooth IELTS/TOEFL experience greatly depends upon how well you are prepared for the test. Here are a few tips to help you get a good score and experience in your IELTS/TOEFL exam.

Plan your Study Schedule
There is a misconception among some IELTS/TOEFL candidates that if they have a command of the English language, they will do well in their IELTS/TOEFL exam. IELTS/TOEFL exams are tough and tricky, so it is advisable to prepare for them accordingly and effectively, regardless of whether you are good at English. You can prepare well for IELTS or TOEFL by making a study plan.
A well-structured study plan will not only teach you how to prepare for your IELTS or TOEFL exam but will also help you to improve your English skills. While preparing for the exam, use high-quality and official study materials like preparation books and practice tests.
Take Practice Tests
The ideal and most effective way to prepare for your tests is by taking an official or online practice test. The official tests are the best resource where you can take full-length IELTS/TOFEL tests that give you the chance to attempt the exam precisely like the actual exam. Each section is scored individually to test your strengths and weaknesses.
The downside of taking online tests is that they require you to pay. IELTS/TOEFL exams are already expensive, and paying even more for online tests is not budget-friendly. One more con of online tests is that for speaking and writing, scores are not accurate. Computer programs determine the scores for the speaking and writing sections, whereas invigilators score the actual exam.

Get Comfortable Working in the Noise
The test room or hall can get noisy if all or majority of the candidates reach the speaking part simultaneously. So to get used to the noise or be comfortable with the noisy environment, try to study in a loud environment.
Try to study in cafes or parks while taking practice tests on the laptop. Practice tuning out noise as you answer questions in the speaking section to increase your focus. The more you can ignore the background noise and voices, the better you will be able to concentrate and perform better on test day.
Check out the Test Location before Exam Day
Before the test day, plan how you will travel to the test location. Planning everything before the test day will make you less anxious and more prepared for the test.
If you are going to drive yourself to the test center, check out if there is any parking or if there is any parking nearby where you can leave your car. If you are using public transport, check if it will take you directly to your test center or has a route near the test center so you can reach there in time.
If possible, try to use the same public transportation and go to the test center to check if it will take you there on time. Do this in the same week and time as your actual test. Note the time it takes you to reach the test center to know exactly what to expect on the test day.
Pack Accordingly and Lightly
You won’t need a lot of things for the test, so pack lightly and accordingly. The fewer the things you have to handle, the more you focus on your test. A few essential things that you will need to carry with you are:
- Two forms of ID
- Registration card
Some other things that you might need are:
- Wallet
- Cell phone
- Glasses (if you wear them)
- Extra sweater or jacket
- Drinks
- Snacks
- Medication (if you need or use)
You do not have to bring any stationery as the TCA will provide you with it at the test center.
Take Care of your Health
You can’t expect yourself to do good in the test if you are not feeling well. You can keep yourself sound and healthy before the test by doing the following things:
- Give your mind a break. Do not take any practice test a day before the actual test.
- Take seven to nine hours of night sleep before the test.
- Eat breakfast and keep yourself hydrated on the test day.
- If you are nervous, do meditation or breathing exercises. They will help you feel relaxed.
Reach the Test Center Early
Test takers are recommended to arrive 30 minutes earlier than the test time. This gives them enough time to check in for the test, do a security check and get to their seat.
If you are going to drive, check the traffic before leaving. If the traffic is terrible, you might have to leave earlier than planned to reach the test center on time. If you are taking public transport, consider the possibility of any delay and plan accordingly.
It is always better to arrive earlier at the test center, so plan wisely and accordingly.
Keep Yourself Calm and Comfortable
Do not get overwhelmed as you take your test. If you find yourself panicking and getting nervous, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
During the ten minutes break, get up and stretch yourself. Walking around will help you relax and allow your mind to focus better. Drink some water, and eat a snack to energize yourself if you have time.

Record your Scores
It would be best to record your IELTS or TOEFL score after the test. Even if you have not scored well, register them rather than cancel them and have no record of ever appearing in the IELTS/TOEFL test. It is your decision if you want to send your scores to colleges or schools.
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